Syd x ATW

Minting 11/30/22

Two lifelong friends who came of age as artists in the early 90s reunite on ASync to offer ‘Lights’— a striking piece of generative art that continues their exploration of those questions found at the edges of art and technology.

WKSHP is a group of creators and friends releasing projects in web3.

We are traditionalists -

Musicians who love being in a room together making records that end up on shelves.

Illustrators and Designers who have spent many fulfilling happy hours poring over print proofs.

Photographers that have loaded their share of 35mm film and logged hours in darkrooms.

We have all, on some level, learned to stop worrying and live with The Feed. The Stream. The Algorithmic Present.

But we are also optimists who share a vision of an internet that moves away from ad-driven audience silos with endless content demands.

We want to do our part to help build a more humane future for artists on the internet.

Once we fell down the web3 rabbit hole, we made friends, went to places and met people who had similar questions and critiques, open minds, and an adventurous spirit.

It is this sense that we were in good company that inspires us.

So we embark on this journey with a sense of fellowship and appreciation for the culture forming in web3.

There are so many building, iterating, sharing and asking essentially, what’s next?

We all have some idea, but no one definitive answer - we’re making it up as we go - and that’s fun.

We’re starting with each other and our community of friends. Helping make real those things that were “just ideas.”

And we’ll see where that takes us.

Here’s to having fun on the internet with our friends,

Syd, Brodie and ATW
Fall 2022